Cat Quotes 5:06

graphic by Ali Noel Vyain

“Cats do care. For example they know instinctively what time we have to be at work in the morning and they wake us up twenty minutes before the alarm goes off.” — Michael Nelson

Cats do have a sense of time and what our schedules are like. If they know you are supposed to be awake in the morning, they just might wake you up before the sun comes up. I hate to get up before the sun, but sometimes it just happens.

“You may own a cat, but cannot govern one.” — Kate Sanborn

I don’t think anyone can technically own a cat. They are people and people can’t be owned. As for governing a cat, I don’t see how that works. They aren’t submissive. They are independent. It’s much better to negotiate with them rather than try to control them. Oh, and don’t bother with lots of rules. They will just break them as they please.

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